Blogger Tricks

Monday, February 24, 2014

A Port in the Storm- Stormy Refuge

Ahoy pirates! I decided I would do a Port in the Storm of my buccaneer house. I call it Stormy Refuge. The outside consists of a water mole village sitting among the wreckage of a marooned ship. Stepping in from the rain, there is a hall littered with treasure chests and gold that leads into the training area. Overlooking the shark tank, is a piratical living room. Going up the stairs you will find the dining hall. Next stop is the map room, and finally, at the top, the bedroom. I hope you enjoy my little tour. Remember if you want to showcase your house, send me an e-mail at with your pirate's name. If you want to give me a guided tour, please give me a date 2 weeks in advance that works best for you.
Pirates... UNITE!

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