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Monday, February 3, 2014

Pirate101 February Newsletter- A new mystery revealeved?

Ahoy pirates! The February newsletter is out on The opening address in the newsletter mentions that something is being worked on "that you’ll be enjoying for years to come . . . " Interesting, no? Gracie is spotlighted in Rouge's Gallery. Who knew she visited Krokotopia? Vadima touched on who are some of the most repeatedly fought bosses in the skyway. Care to guess who number one is? Dueling Diego is officially announced as giving away Pirate101 items as rewards. Some great fan sites were spotlighted. My personal favorite was D.S. Devereaux's hitchhiking guide. I've got to try that! One- Eyed Jack talks about the benefits of realm changing. Last but not least, a mysterious staircase seems to have appeared in Avery's court. There's still plenty of information and news left in the newsletter. Go give it a read.... Pirates.... Unite!

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