Blogger Tricks

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Everything Comes To A Close

     Hello! Today I worked on questing on my buccaneer. My questing partner, Erin Innsbrook and I had to return Ulysses his bow and restore his former honor.

     Ulysses' bow was taken by Medusa. To defeat her, we needed some special apples from Medea, a raven, to improve our hearing and other senses so we could close our eyes for Medusa. If we had our eyes open, we would be turned to stone by her.

     Once we got Ulysses' bow back, we went off to his palace and take his throne back from the person who overtook it - Antinous!

     Erin and I stormed the Palace Of Ulysses trying to find a way to claim Ulysses' throne back! It took three long fights, but we finally did it! The three fights included Antinous' minions, Eurymachus, and Antinous himself.


Fighting Antinous
Antinous himself

       Once Antinous was defeated, he acted as if he never did anything wrong and was "pleased at the arival of Ulysses." He's obviously pleased and rejoicing at his arrival when he tried to kill Ulysses and I.
    Ulysses somehow had grasped a hold on one of El Dorado's map pieces. In exchange for getting his throne back, my crew and I got it! With this map piece, we have taken the lead against the armada in the race for El Dorado - our three against their two. We also got something called the Rosetta Stone. I'll make a full post explaining that and spoilers to the next update coming soon.

     And with that.... my buccaneer has finished the game and is ready for the next world update! That makes three classes done with the current game: Witchdoctor, Musketeer, and Buccaneer. Three down, two to go - Privateer, who just started Mooshu, and Swashbuckler who's starting Cool Ranch.

 That's all for this post! Thanks for reading. Fair sailing, Pirates!

~Fishy Kyle

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