Blogger Tricks

Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Port in the Storm- Showcasing the places pirates call home

Ahoy, fellow pirates! I am a house hoarder. I love the housing in KI games and it shows. I have 3 fully decorated houses and 2 WIPs on Wesley, plus all my alternate pirates will have houses as well. So to celebrate my love of housing, I am starting a new blog series called A Port in the Storm. This is going to showcase the houses of pirates throughout the spiral. If you want your house showcased, send me an e-mail at with the subject "A Port in the Storm", your pirate name, and if you want to give me a guided tour, a date that is best for you. Please provide a date that is at least 2 weeks in advance. Please be patient as it may take take a couple of days for me to respond. I look forward to seeing some awesome houses, me buckos! Who knows? I might even showcase my own. :)
Pirates... UNITE!

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