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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ashford Journals- Entry 6


Angela and crew landed on Blood Shoals to search for Ratbeard. They located a cave where footprints entered, but none were leading out. As they entered the cave, they skirted around some crawlies, only to find the ghosts of Ratbeard's crew, surrounding a dinning table. Lasko, one of the spirits, asked Angela to listen to his tale. He explained that Ratbeard poisoned the crew and abandoned them. Lasko asked for them to capture Ratbeard to put his soul at rest, however, his crewmates need other tasks completed to put them at rest. Angela spoke to Manny, who needed her to find a way to pay back his Uncle Scuttles. Scuttles, who Manny stole from, needed rope from riggings. Scuttles will forgive Manny if Angela got the rope. After sinking a few Cutthroats, Angela got the rope. She returned to Scuttles, who forgave Manny. Manny instructed Angela to speak to Moe, another one of Ratbeard's doomed crew. Moe's tale is of lost love. He was in love with a girl, but lost her mother's keepsake locket in a game of dice. Angela was tasked with retrieving the locket from Crimson Jake.... Will Angela get the locket back? Can she put the rest of the crew to rest? How much is that doggie in the window? Stay tuned for the next installment of the Ashford Journals

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