Blogger Tricks

Friday, June 6, 2014

Introductory Post

  Hello! I'm Erin, or Eri (air-ee). I am glad to be a part of a real fansite, not a 5-second-long fansite I've created.

  I am a level 65 Buccaneer, Erin Innsbrook. This is my only max level pirate, while I have a Swashbuckler at the level of 56 (Bridget Morgan). She's kind of dead.  My other characters are only at the levels of 2 (Privateer), 3 (Witchdoctor), and 5 (Musketeer). (I obviously prefer Physical damage over Ranged.)

  Also, I ask that you bear with me while learning how to use Blogger. It's new to me.

  On account of other characteristics of myself, I'm weird, fun, silly and strict (when someone messes with me). I often hop between Wizard101, Minecraft and Pirate101, but my main-game is Pirate101. I am in many fandoms including My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Frozen / Disney, Imagine Dragons and Harry Potter. I enjoy reading and drawing, and occasionally fixing up a small story. (I also make very run-on paragraphs. Ehhh.)

  I hope this helps describe me.

Thank you!
~Eri Innsbrook

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