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Friday, July 11, 2014

Future Worlds

Hello there pirates! Sorry for my long absence on Pirates Unite. But let's get back to what we all love, our posts! So today I was thinking about the worlds of the spiral and all the possibilities of what these worlds could have to contribute to the Pirate101 storyline. Here are a couple that could possibly be released in updates to  come....

1. Polaris. 
 We have been to Polaris, right? No? Oh, well it's a lovely place if you love glaciers... and penguins.. and pickled herring... mhm. We all know of the Polarian War that led to the creation of the Clockwork Armada. Does anybody think that maybe sometime in our journeys throughout the spiral, we will visit Polaris? There is a chance, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

2. Valencia Part 2.
With the Pirate101 ending it's practically certain we'll be returning to Valencia for the Armada storyline. Question is if answers to the ultimate strategy to defeat Kane shall be answered in Valencia. Shall we explore Cadiz, centre of Kanes power? Shall we meet this Caligostro G? All shall be answered soon!
3. Grizzleheim 
I may have spelled that wrong... I don't know much about the chances of us going to Grizzleheim... but we still have to check for Erika the Red. A trader, just like most bear of that land. There is a possibility that we could go but also a possibility we won't.
4. Darkmoor
Now I don't know much about this one, except that it has been mentioned a few times throughout the game. There is a small view of Darkmoor while travelling through stormgates, and some cool concept art. There is a possibility this could be a sideworld for the game. Could Darkmoor be a future world for Pirate101?
5. Rajah
Rajah could be a potential side world for Pirate101 as well. Popular belief is that it is an Indian themed land, home of tigers. Not much is known about Rajah but it has been mentioned a few times in the Marlybone storyline. Could we see Rajah in the future?

Well, that's all I got for today. Stay tuned for more posts on Pirates Unite from me and the crew! Have a great day!

~Friendly Chris

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