Blogger Tricks

Friday, July 11, 2014


     Hello, Pirates! Two days ago I got a membership and have been speeding through Aquila like a bullet. I'm near the end and have completed all of the Aquila sides making me complete every side quest in the game!
All of my Book Side Quest badges.
     I would've continued and blogged about me finishing up my Privateer, but there is one HUGE problem - I'm blocked in my game progress. This problem is not difficulty of any sort; it is a bug.

The Problem

     During my adventures on my Musketeer, I had the same problem as I did now. It came back to haunt me. On the quest, "Bring Me My Bow!", (click the quest name to a visual of the quest goals) I had found Medea, defeated Medusa, and returned the statue to Medea. She brought me back to Ithaca to talk to Ulysses. However, when I tried to turn in the quest, Ulysses still had a gray question mark above his head instead of a yellow question mark! I couldn't turn in the quest and advance.

     Thanks to Kingsisle Support, they responded quickly and they're currently working on my character to fix the bug. I just got this notice on my game as I was writing the "The Problem" section!
Love you, Kingsisle Support. xoxo
     Last time, it took them longer, so I had another section in this post for what I was going to do to pass time as I waited for them to respond and fix it. I guess that ruins my plans for decorating my Commodore's Garrison (Privateer) and training for PvP. Oh well! This is better! I'll put those off for another time. Hopefully they'll fix it and give me the next quest, "Ulysses Triumphant!" so I can continue my questing and finish my fourth character in Pirate101!

~Fishy Kyle


  1. I am sry to hear you keep having that problem Kyle, but I am glad that you finally got to be a real pirate :P Grats on all your book badges! Sides ftw!

  2. Fair Ashley HolystoneJuly 15, 2014 at 2:21 AM

    I had that problem on my swashbuckler. I just had to wait a few minutes and it was up an' runnin' again


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