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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Housing Showcase: Rake's Lagoon

     Hello, Pirates! I finally got enough motivation to finish decorating my Rake's Lagoon on my Swashbuckler. With this finished, I now have one decorated house on every character (would my Witchdoctor's maze be considered 'decorated'?). Anyways, I have decorated it to be themed as a hotel and water resort. Without further ado, here's the Rake's Lagoon!

The Resort

The Wave Pool (view one)

The Wave Pool (view two)
Water cannons to shoot at people in the pool
A simple, but sweet dining area
A little walk for those who want
to take a break from the water
The changing room
The standard changing area
The gift shop (view one)

The gift shop (view two)

The Hotel

The lobby (with Sarah Steele as the receptionist)
The hotel is pet friendly, in fact,
there's a room just for them!
The Golden Chicken Breakfast Bar
(Named after the chicken in the doorway)

The standard bedroom in the hotel

     That's the overview of the new Swashbuckler Hotel and Resort! If you have any comments, please post them below! If you want your house featured on our site, please email with pictures and captions and we'll be glad to do so!

     I'm going to check into the hotel for the night. Fair sailing, in dreams and the spiral, pirates!

~Fishy Kyle

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