Blogger Tricks

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Warm Welcome

     Hey everyone, it's your favorite Pirate here! Better than Boochbeard himself! I'm just kidding. This blog post is mainly to welcome everyone to Pirates Unite and this post won't be too long either. An introduction to the website is on the side titled under "About Us". As you all know, we've been pushing the grand opening of Pirates Unite to be sooner. Originally, this website was supposed to be open late November, however, we had a major setback. Without further ado, here she is.

     Pirates Unite is the Pirate101 website to Wizards Unite. Although, Wizards Unite is a fansite and we be a selective player's blog central. Please forgive the hopefully temporary domain for not being ".com". This is because of money shortage. Yes, I registered for a free domain. Disregarding this issue, I hope we still become official soon. That would only work with the wonderful readers we have and the met requirements of the website. Pirates Unite promises to bring contest prizes the best of our ability, as long as it's possible right now.We are reserving spots for 2 more bloggers, whom if interested, can contact our website's twitter by clicking on the image of our logo on the side panel bar. Happy Sailing!

~Shallow Chase

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