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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ashford Journals- Entry 1

Angela and Wing Chun had just escaped from the Armada and found themselves in Avery's court. It seems Avery is willing to protect pirates and provide them a ship. However, a pirate must earn their keep and Avery just so happens to need help.
Fin, a pirate Avery hired, stole an antique, the Jade Amulet, and has caused the Troggies to riot, putting Skull Island under fire. So we are sent to Chief Gunner Rigby, who sends our duo to speak to Bonnie Anne.

After a few Troggie trouncings, Bonnie Anne decided to join the crew to help stop the Troggies from firing at the fort. Will Angela stop the Troggie riots? Will she locate Fin? Will there be more of these questions? Stay tuned for the next installment of The Adventures of Angela Ashford!

-Bloody Wesley Xavier

1 comment:

  1. your so goofy but ti works . cant what to see what happens nexts.


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