Blogger Tricks

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Yak Attack

     Hello, Pirates! I may or may have not been procrastinating this post for a little while... err... a long while. Last week, I fought Sato in the Scarlet Orchid Tea Room on my Swashbuckler. It a little tricky since I messed up (really badly) on one of the floors, but I managed to get through it.

     The first floor was pretty simple and straight forward. The only thing unusual was that the Yakooza had a move that looked just like the witchdoctor move, Hoodoo Touch, but it lowered damage instead of critical.
    Second floor, traps. That is all. The picture below summarizes it pretty well, too. It is extremely difficult to move. I used El Toro, Fan Flanders, and Bonnie Anne since swashbucklers all take -50% from traps and Bonnie has five range, so she can reach places easily without moving.
     The third floor had some really annoying minion spawning witchdoctors who created skeletal warriors with about 1,000 health and 110 damage every turn. I had to get rid of the witchdoctors quick, or it would be my doom. Thankfully, I was able to deal with them in 2-3 turns. The floor also had some trap mobs from the second floor and Yakooza from the first floor, but only about one of each, so it was pretty easy to deal with.
    The fourth floor was where I messed up... miserably. This floor had one minion spawning mob, a couple swashbucklers with a long ranged attack, and a swashbuckler with one of every heal. As a mistake, I went for the swashbuckler with the heals first when I should've went for the minion spawner.  This resulted in a lot of minions that killed my companions (sorry Toro, Fan, and Bonnie). I managed to pull through the fight with just my swashbuckler and four enemies at half health, however.
     The fifth and final floor is Sato and his black glasses. You fight him with one of every mob from the floors before him, but you only need to defeat Sato as an objective. Every time you attack him, he teleports away. While fighting him, I learned a few exceptions. Bladestorm is allowed if you critical while attacking him. Sato will teleport after the original hit plus bladestorm. Also, if you use first strike on him, he'll do the attack he was going to use before the first strike and then he'll teleport away.
      I also managed to get a little present from Sato! It was much better than the accessory I had at the time. However, since I'm level 57 now, I'm using a different eyepatch.

     Next post, I promise to be somewhat near my actual quest. That's all for this post. Fair Sailing, Pirates!

~Fishy Kyle

1 comment:

Please remember to be nice and to treat each other with respect! The Golden Rule still applies, even here!