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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ashford Journals- Part 10

Part 10:
Angela has found the Frogfather, and he will do her a favor for a favor. He asked her to break into a Monquistan fort, the Presidio, and steal the spices within. They sailed to the Prsidio and located Frogfather's scout, Sneaky Rufus, pointed Angela to the location of the spices. The crew quickly infiltrated the fort and located the spice room. The door to the spices was locked. As the crew turned around, they were ambushed by Monquistans! After that battle they had to fight their way to the barracks to find the key. After another battle with Monquistans, Angela meets Lucky Jack Russel, who claim he knows Angela and her parents. He explained that the keys are being held by the commander upstairs. After the comander was defeated and Jack was freed, Angela returned to the storehouse to find it teeming with Monquistans. Angela and crew, aided by Jack easily cleared the last of the Monquistans. Angela gathered the spice and returned to the Frogfather. He explained that he gave Ratbeard his word he would not betray Ratbeard if anyone came looking for him. He advised that One-Eyed Jack in Flotsam does owe him a favor and the Frogfather transferred the favor to Angela so she could use that favor to find Ratbeard. Jack joined Angela's crew. and as they prepared to depart, Frogfather explained that Angela's parents left their ship at his private docks and is giving it to her.... Will Angela find Jack? Will she catch Ratbeard? Where do the missing socks go? Stay tuned for the next installment of the Ashford Journals

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