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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Thoughts on Test Realm

As many pirates know and are excited for: Test Realm opened Monday along with Wizard again, but this is Pirates Unite so I'll stick to my thoughts on the changes to Pirate101 that will come. I haven't stepped foot in Test Realm yet, so these are just observations and thoughts.

When I first heard about Advanced Pets, and pet training and it was a turn off for me. I trained a million failures on Wizard, and I didn't want to go through that again for Pirate. I may or may not train my pet when test goes live. I've also seen other Twirates morph pets and it's like hatching, to make hybrids and other pets. And I do wonder about hatching times though. I might have to try it for myself. But I wish we could just have our pets level aside with us still, cause I won't have the time to train who how slow of a quester I am. And the pet arena. I don't like arenas in general, I tend to stay away from them. I might never step foot in there, but I never know. That's just my opinion though. 

The advanced companions... What can I say. I don't know how I feel about this yet. I've seen some get more epics, and something new with battle orders? Not sure how that works, I should probably try it out later this week. 

Next, the new prologue quests. That sounds fun from what I read. And I want to try them on a new pirate. I can't do them obviously on my WD or Musketeer, but I can on my Privateer. They expanded the free to play zones and if you bought Prologue 1 you won't need to buy Prologue 2 and 3. They expanded on the storyline in the beginning which I'm excited to try. At first I thought I had to buy them, but after One Eyed Jack cleared it up for me, it's still free to play since I could play up to Jonah Town for free. Which I'm glad because I don't have any extra crowns to spare. Taking the small part in Sacrifice cave and making 2 entire new chapters to play, I'm kind of excited to play them. 

I don't know if there is anything left I missed. Did they release more content, or was it only game play updates? I am okay with everything but the pets really. I think I'll keep my bird the way she is. That's all until next week I think. See you guys after I get back from Disney World this week O:

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