Blogger Tricks

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Coming soon to Pirates Unite...

      Hello, Pirates. Recently I've been working on something on my Witchdoctor in my free time - besides farming for the many things I need.

Introducing: My Witchdoctor's maze!

Please note: Those trees aren't as bad as they seem!
Plus, they're the only ones that are going in the maze.

So far, I've only done the outside. I'll need to finish up the inside when I get free time. I hope to eventually bring this maze to Pirates Unite for contests and extend it to more than one house.

Question time: I need a name for this maze. What do you think it should be called? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy the maze when I'm finally done with it. Fair sailing, Pirates!

~Fishy Kyle

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