Blogger Tricks

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lag, lag, and more lag...

     Hello! Over the course of the past few days, I've been experiencing the worst nightmare of every gamer: lag. Taking five minutes to teleport to friends, five minutes to switch areas, being attacked and pulled into ships while I appear to be in the windlane, etc. Below are some of the annoying, yet funny, things that have happened to me.
That's a nice transportalor you have there!
Camouflaged ship. It blends in right with Mooshu with little me on the skyway!
Invisible enemies.
First person Pirate101!
Ratbeard's so good at acting, that his ghost is even invisible!
So... Um... Welcome to Subata Skyway.

I'm currently uninstalling and re-installing Pirate101 so it'll hopefully load faster. These few days have been hilarious yet very frustrating.

That's all for this lag-based post! Fair sailing, Pirates!

~Fishy Kyle

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