Blogger Tricks

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Easter NXP Party

Hello, pirates! We, the staff of Pirates Unite, will be holding an NXP (Nautical Experience) farming party this Easter. Have fun nautical leveling with your friends, or simply come on your nautically maxed-out character and hang out with us! The details about the party are shown below.

                                                   Who we'll be farming: Captain Spartacos.
                                                   Where: Achean Way Skyway, realm One Eyed Jack.
                                                   When: April 19th, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Eastern.
                                                   Pick-ups/"Port Buses": Clever Kyle, and Rude Jacob Everhart.
                                                   Pick-up Location: Avery's Court Life Fountain, realm One Eyed Jack.

At the party, we'll be hosting mini-contests. These include quizzes and Hide and Seek!
Prize for trivia: 1 tribal crew pack per question.*
Prize for Hide and Seek: Spring pet of your choice.**

*Each person can only win a trivia question once to keep it fair for the other guests of the party.
**Clever Kyle can be hiding on land or in the skyway.

I hope to see you there. Pirates... unite!

1 comment:

Please remember to be nice and to treat each other with respect! The Golden Rule still applies, even here!