Blogger Tricks

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Adventures in Cool Ranch and Port Regal

So this week I've kinda been chilling with the bison and spirits in Cool Ranch. They are friendly, well from what I've seen. I don't know what they do in their behind the scenes stuff... Sailing through Cool Ranch takes so much fuel, I'm sure if my ship had a mileage it would be out the roof. Seriously, sailing from Big Sky to Santa Pollo Skyway is not a fast and short trip, well if you could 5 minutes fast then be my guest but yeah. I also recruited a cute little bison into my crew and picked up a chicken who was jailed, them seem to be getting along with my crew nicely. Though my tavern is kinda getting full, I don't wanna know how full it will get by level 65 if I ever reach there.

I think I've been spending too much time in Cool Ranch. I've developed this cough that I'm kinda worried about so I might stop by the doctor in Coopers Roost to get that checked out later.

And finally I'm taking a break from Cool Ranch to run around in Port Regal. Plenty of Red Coats around here. I think we need a badge for defeating Red Coats cause I just did Fort Elena with my friend and it's pretty much all Red Coat and Armada fights. 

Sorry about the delay in this weeks post and how short it was. I've been busy with finals at school and not as much time as I usually have. If you have a request on something I should blog about comments below or send me a request at my Twitter, it's @FireChaosAngel. Feel free to follow me about my Pirate101 adventures. And as usual feedback is helpful, and helps me improve my blogging skills that have been sleeping for so long.

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