Blogger Tricks

Monday, March 17, 2014

Commodore's Garrison 1.2

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Picture done by @Umbra9649 on Twitter

What have I whipped up for my pretties today at my Commodore's Garrison? One of the separate buildings finished or is the plaza finished? Neither! Well... now that you think about it I kinda did finish the plaza but I am going to need a lot more stuff which I don't want to talk about now because it may spoil what it looks like.
My plan for the house is to do the sewers and then head on from there and the main sewer room turned out great. I feel like I could add a little more to the sewer though because I still need boilers (does anyone know if they sell boilers in Marleybone?) or something to substitute them but until then I hope you like my finished protect and the little surprise.

 -Cass LifeBlossom

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