Blogger Tricks

Monday, March 24, 2014

Pirate101's secrets revealed! Massively exclusive reveals Advance Pet System coming soon!

Ahoy pirates! A new article has surfaced on Massively announcing a new Advance Pet System coming to Pirate101! The article has announced that a test realm is coming soon that will allow you to train, battle, and merge pets. It seems like this will introduce a whole new battle component into the game. The best part? Pets and mounts can now be placed in housing after the update goes live! JOY! I'm looking forward to this update. Want more info on the Advanced Pet System? Check out the article at:
Read the article and leave a comment telling me what you think of the new system. I think it has potential and sounds a little different than Wizard101's pet system. And as always...Pirates... UNITE!
Update: Pirate101 just released some beautiful panorama shots. One is the Temple of Fire and the other, titled Xol Akmul, looks like the ruins of Azteca... Check them out here: and tell us what you think they mean.

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