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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Maxwell Installment: Chapter 26 Part 2 and Subodai

Greedy Jacob Maxwell: Chap 26, Pt. 2 and Subodai Promo

Welcome readers to my second Pirate101 post! WOOT! Now if you read my first post....that's good, if you didn't........OFF WITH YOUR HEAD PEASANT! 



Not much to talk about the promotion....just that i promoted him to Khan and that i died many many times during his's not even funny how hard it was! Thanks to my darling Silent Catherine Nightingale, I was able to FINALLY complete his promotion....Now i hope he'll be a bit stronger than before, cause he is like SOOOO weak! It's ridiculous! 
Promoted Subodai
Final Epics of Subodai Khan! Thanks Dead-Eye Collin, Jason Goldenshield and Kristen Eastwick for suggesting Relentless 2

And I'm STILL not done with promotions! At least this is easier than Subodai.....Oh here there is my Main Doctor Noh quest! Dead Mike comes first tho!
Ok, I'm saving that till a bit later for a later post down of what i did last on him: Put him in a salt barrel.....Don't ask, it's weird.

Back to mainline! 

I just defeated Doctor Noh.....right hand man of the infamous General Tso! 

I'm so close!
You're so dead my friend!

Well....I'm OBVIOUSLY not a monkey!

Oh that was YOUR wedding? Aww....Sorry that I'm NOT sorry! I hope your wife gets Yellow Fever for marrying you!

Haha....your brother killed me, Catherine did all the work! But do i fight you eventually?
ARMADA?!? COME ON! I died on the last battle and had to redo you (with Greedy Duncan, thanks for the help, oh and by the way, he hates his Armadillo :)) Well at least they can't READ it! To Subata Skyway we go!

Well that concludes Greedy Jacob Maxwell, Book 11; Chapter 26! Join us next time for Book 12! Subata Skyway!

Think Tank! 

Will we every have Pet Hatching in P101? If so, how will it be set up or where or anything that gives insight. If not, why not?

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